Posted in Book Review, netgalley, YA

Asking for it by Louise O’Neill

“I am not falling apart. I am being ripped at the seams my insides torn out until I am hollow”

Publisher: Quercus Books
Pages: 368
Source: NetGalley (I also bought it)
Rating: 4

I never know what to say in these moments. When you finish a book that made you change your perception. When you read a book that threw a wrecking ball through your feels. This one did quite a number on me.

Trigger warning:

Sexual assault. Abuse. Self-harm. Harsh terms to describe females. If this upsets you please feel free to look at my other reviews. From this point on I will be discussing sensitive issues.



Emma is beautiful. She knows she is beautiful. Everyone else knows she is beautiful. She deserves all the attention. She deserves to be looked at and she deserves to be desired.

One evening she goes to a party with her friends where she is the center of attention. She looks stunning she is stunning so why can’t she have fun.

She wakes up with no memory of what happened but who needs memories when everything that happened was captured on film. Every explicit picture documented and posted on Facebook?

That couldn’t have happened, though…

That word couldn’t have happened…

Could it?

My Experience:

This is not the kind of book you enjoy. This is the kind of book that you digest and that skims you raw. But it’s the kind of book our society needs to read.

Dive into the mind of a beautiful girl named Emma, with normal issues and maybe some character flaws but at the end a normal 18-year-old. An 18-year-old who wants to find herself in life. Emma ends up going to a party, a party that will ultimately change her life and everyone’s life around her.

The thing that I was wary of from the beginning is how dislikable the main character was. I suspect it was done with a reason. I suspect that it was done so the reader could dislike her. So that when everything starts spinning out of control it plays upon the heart And mind confusing you as to how society usually reacts and how you are supposed to react.

This novel just reinforces that it does not matter how bad the person seemed, how promiscuous they acted or that they were drinking, it doesn’t matter.

No one is asking for it.

The brilliance of what the author does is that throughout the novel you see flashbacks with Emma of what she has done in her life. But you don’t care, because no one deserves what Emma got. No one deserves to look at themselves and only see facebook comments, tweets and, “Pink flesh”.

I don’t think I have to say it since it has been implied throughout my review but this story really hit a nerve with me. It showed me how rape culture is handled in society. How the person who does the act ends up being the victim because the victim is ruining their life. Emma is the victim here. Emma is the one who is now called Easy Emma.  Someone that the society will not call a victim nor pity. Oh no Easy Emma is an attention seeking ____ who had it coming.

There is a quote in the front of the book that is a quote from The Guardian and I think it’s brilliantly put.

So here it is:

Asking for it will make every reader reassess what they feel about rape and the urgent need for the stories about it to be written in a new way’- Gaurdian

What I liked:

I was very impressed with the writing style. The author effortlessly slips into flashbacks back into the present without making  you feel confused.

What I did not like:

I thought the one thing that did not come that naturally in the story was when swearing was involved. It seemed a bit forced in some of the dialogue.


“They are all innocent until proven guilty. But not me. I am a liar until I am proven honest.”

“I like it better when my room is pitch black, when the dark is so thick it swallows me up and I feel as if I could drown in it.”


If you like contemporary Young Adult novels then go ahead you should read this book. But I am warning you dear reader. Prepare you heart for a rough journey and make sure you are up for it because it will leave a bitter taste on the tongue and make you question the society we live in today.Which maybe, is a necessary thing.


I give this book 4 raw snowflakes.








~ Love Snow


I am back.

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